Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Division of Culture Was Inevitable

As communication technology became better, inevitably it became easier to share full-length movies and TV series, either officially or unofficially, and prior to that, it facilitated original, viral content. This helped to individualize, and by extension, isolate the entertainment experience. Ultimately, this was always going to happen. Ever since the advent of home video formats, the entertainment experience has become more and more individual, and more isolated. Coupling this with the advent of miniature computers and handheld devices capable of storing and/or streaming high-quality video, and the isolation becomes greater. The printing press could be argued as the start of this phenomenon, as the widespread availability of printed materials, combined with increased literacy rates, means that reading becomes a solitary activity later in life. This combined with an increasing individualism in worldwide society and rising introversion means that this division of culture into subculture was inevitable.

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