Monday, October 15, 2018

All Religion Is Confucian?

    A topic that came to mind last week was that most religion is based in some worship of ancestors, akin to that of Confucianism's reverence of the elders and ancestors. All branches of the Abrahamic religions claim Jaweh as the Allfather. Greco-Roman mythology has all of the gods descended from the Allmother, even her own mate. From there, everything else came. Hinduism has the entirety of the universe born from one... Let's say "thing" from which all else came. Ultimately, all religion with any actual doctrine requires reverence of the past to the detriment of everything else. Decrees that were passed down based on opinions and whims get held up for centuries as the gospel truth. Passing words taken as absolute orders, and whatnot. Anyone who's familiar with Confucius should be feeling chills right about now.
    Even non-deistic religions, such as the various forms of Communism throughout the years, Nazism, most political dynasties, and many political systems, the way some revere public and political figures and loads of fandoms are heavily Confucian. They all hold an unhealthy reverence for those who came before, they all hold idealized versions of the past up over the reality of the situation, and they're all suspicious of new ideas, newcomers, and any change.

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